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What audio modifications are you guys doing?


New member
Nov 21, 2024
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Hey guys, I’m looking at putting sound in at some point. My dealer told me about a company called Wet Sound, and of course there are a ton of other companies. Just wanted to get your all’s take on good systems that survive outdoors use.
I have not purchased from them (yet) but these folks know our machines and have numerous products tailored to them.
Not much out there that I know of, like oneal said UTV Stereo seems to be one of the few I heard of.
I’ve only done the Polaris rear speaker system add on. It’s good enough for me. I don’t even turn it up that much, but helps fill out the crew cab with more even sound. Is it overpriced for the end result? Yes. But at the time of ordering the new machine and all the accessories, no one knew. But I’m happy with it.
I got the rear speaker adapter mounts from UTV Stereo but I'm wondering if the factory amp has enough power to drive two additional 6 1/2 inch speakers. Not looking to blast the volume but was hoping to fill out the cab a little. Any thoughts on whether the factory unit can even handle two additional speakers? It's an easy addon if they work as the speaker wires are already back there and UTV Stereo sells the connector kit so you can plug and play. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
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