That has always be one of their downfalls, glad you have a good dealer.It’s Polaris that moves so slow.
Please don’t think I am pro Polaris because I am not. To date I have owned at least 12 sxs’s. I swore off of Polaris due to the downfalls we are currently experiencing on past models.Are these machines going to nickel and dime us after a couple of thousand miles,, paying this kind of money for them I expected using it under normal conditions they should last a long time. Not replacing axles after 600 to 1500 miles ,rear diffs being replaced ,wiring harnesses being replaced
Mine’s been clunking for 8 months dealer said it was u-joint lash . Never heard of that before I’ve been a mechanic for 50 years.Had machine at the dealer for another reason. They found both rear axles worn out on outer cv’s and clunking. So if you’re hearing a clunking check the outer cv joints.
I checked mine too and they seemed good. I am going to run it by my dealer Monday and see what he thinks. I'm lucky enough to have a real good dealer.Mine clunks on rotation has for quit a while CVS seem tight
Clip is on it. Put 70 miles on this weekend no problems. Drove it out of the garage today it wouldn’t go forward. I started checking stuff over. Not a happy camper.I definitely agree with WTF.
It can't be seen unless the axle is completely removed but there should be a ring clip at the end of the spline which is what snaps in and holds the axle from doing what yours done.
It is one of three possibilities,
Either that axle didn't get snapped in,.
The ring clip is missing,.
Or the axle is too short and unhitched the axle from the third member when the a arms flexed down.
I once battled the last with a gorilla lift kit. If you didn't feel it click in it probably will do the same thing.