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Speedometer rpm meter and fuel gauge dark not reading right


New member
Mar 30, 2024
Reaction score
When I started up my sxs tnt the display and speedometer and RPM gauge is dark. And the gas gauge was on empty. I just filled it up the other day. The ride command said it was 75 percent full Anyone else have that problem?
I haven’t had that specific issue. But I have noticed the time of day, fuel level, outdoor temp, etc. sometimes takes a few minutes to update after starting my machine up. Not sure if your ride command is up to date. But you should be able to look at the details screen and compare to Polaris online and check to see if your ride command is up to date. If not, try updating it.
Mine is the same as Mr C, when initially started the clock and couple other gauges are off for a few but then catch up