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Adding lights, harness and switch questions?


New member
Feb 15, 2024
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I am adding a front light bar, crew dome light, and rear cube lights.... does each require a harness to be added. I know it would be cleanest with plug in harness. What parts number? Also, does polaris make switch for dash... Front light, dome or interior, and rear light switch- want inside to be clean looking on dash?
I am adding a front light bar, crew dome light, and rear cube lights.... does each require a harness to be added. I know it would be cleanest with plug in harness. What parts number? Also, does polaris make switch for dash... Front light, dome or interior, and rear light switch- want inside to be clean looking on dash?
For the most part each accessory needs it's own harness and switch. Going the Polaris route is the easiest but usually the most expensive. You can see what they have of their website or simply talk to your dealer. If you want something special hit Amazon pick you lights and a wiring harness (not difficult) the hardest part usually is finding the correct size switch that looks factory. You should be able to get them from your dealer if you don't know what you're looking for.