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Cold air coming in door handles!


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2023
Reaction score
It’s awful we were out in the blowing snow yesterday. -28 and 70km winds. There has to be a fix for this. There is so much air that comes in that it makes a snowdrift. I spray foamed the holes around the door latch on the machine. Didn’t help.

Any one have pics of what the inside of the door looks like? Could Polaris have possibly screwed up that bad? My xp1000 this wasn’t a problem.
Wow, you aren’t kidding about the snow drift. I feel cold air coming in near the door handles on the doors, but haven’t been in snow yet to have that happen. I assume you’ve checked all around the door for any voids/gaps in the gasket or between the outer and inner parts of the door?
Clubin - With that much snow on your dashboard I would think you could have seen it coming in. Were there any indications on the door where it could have come through?
That sucks, that's pretty gusty but still, shouldn't be. I have heard some serious dust complaints so maybe some door seals are worse than others ???
Wow, you aren’t kidding about the snow drift. I feel cold air coming in near the door handles on the doors, but haven’t been in snow yet to have that happen. I assume you’ve checked all around the door for any voids/gaps in the gasket or between the outer and inner parts of the door?
It’s not the gasket. Grab a leaf blower and blow in the side of the SxS. You’ll see. It’s awful. But that being said it heats up way better then my 1000 did stun-28. lol.
Clubin - With that much snow on your dashboard I would think you could have seen it coming in. Were there any indications on the door where it could have come through?
Around the door latch inside.
That sucks, that's pretty gusty but still, shouldn't be. I have heard some serious dust complaints so maybe some door seals are worse than others ???
It’s 100% not a door seal issue. I can see on the door seal that it’s sealing perfectly.
I've noticed it as well. Haven't had much time to dig into it but I'm thinking it's coming from the outside handle as well.