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Dealers for warranty work in Arizona or Nevada

Mr T.

New member
Nov 28, 2024
Reaction score
Do any of you have experience with dealers that you recommend in AZ or NV for warranty work on the XDs (or any Polaris for that matter?) Looking to buy, but my local dealer has proven useless over the years. Thought I'd purchase from a dealer that might at least act like they care. Sounds like issues are a given with the XD.
From my years of experience owning various atv’ and UTV’s. I’ve found that if I buy from a dealer that is solely a brand A or B dealer. The service work and knowledge is seems to be greater, than a privately owned dealer that sells brands A, B, and C. Not sure if you have any of those type of dealers around you. But that has seemed to help me. I drive further now that I need to for any warranty/service work because of that.
I have a dealer less than 20 miles from my house, he's a freak' in asshole and I refuse to give him a dime of my money. The dealer I do business with is a 75 mile drive 1 way but ALWAYS takes care of me. I do care about purchase price, but I care way more about being taken care of for the years that follow after the sale.
Good dealers are not easy to find in my area. We are near the original Iron Pony and it is a great place to go drool but there is a good chance the average customer knows more than the sales person.