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GPS status


New member
Jan 9, 2024
Reaction score
Is anyone having a problem acquiring satellites. Navigation doesn't work and I have no satellites on the GPS status screen.
Same. This just started on Sunday for me.
Do you guys both have the latest software update? I don't know if I have a GPS problem but will check it out in the morning. I'm now having stereo problems where the speakers keep cutting in and out. Talked to mechanic today and he is checking with Polaris before I bring my machine in.
I haven’t got any updates since I purchased it. Have only about 390 miles on mine.
I am suddenly having the same issue with my GPS, no satellite signals, and clock is not setting. Has anyone sourced a fix?
I was told an update at the dealer will fix that. Mine is going in next month, and my dealer said it’ll fix that issue.
Thanks for the reply. I watched several youtube videos which suggest the same thing some with mixed results. I unfortunately don't have great confidence in my dealer service department so I may have to perform the update myself.
Thanks for the reply. I watched several youtube videos which suggest the same thing some with mixed results. I unfortunately don't have great confidence in my dealer service department so I may have to perform the update myself.
Mine also
I was showing 27 the other day kinda freaks you out who’s watching lol