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Headache Rack Alignment Problem


New member
Oct 23, 2024
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Has anyone else had this issue? I am trying to mount the Polaris OEM Headache Rack to my 2025 Ranger XD and I have run into an alignment problem, 3 of the 4 bolts are installed and the 4th (top passenger) is out of alignment by at least 1/4 inch. I was looking at a schematic of the ROPS and there seems to be a splice in the frame behind bed light. I am thinking I could loosen these bolts and maybe be able to push the two rear pillars together to close the gap and realign the attachment point of the last headache rack bolt. Anybody have any other suggestions?
I know someone else on here had this issue as well. Their dealer tried several different options and racks. I believe they ended up getting them a new frame. Try a quick search and see if you can find it. Or maybe the member will comment.
A new frame!!! Good grief, I haven't had the damn thing 24 hours.
Has anyone else had this issue? I am trying to mount the Polaris OEM Headache Rack to my 2025 Ranger XD and I have run into an alignment problem, 3 of the 4 bolts are installed and the 4th (top passenger) is out of alignment by at least 1/4 inch. I was looking at a schematic of the ROPS and there seems to be a splice in the frame behind bed light. I am thinking I could loosen these bolts and maybe be able to push the two rear pillars together to close the gap and realign the attachment point of the last headache rack bolt. Anybody have any other suggestions?

I do not have a rack on the back but have dealt with very similar issues.
Run a come-along corner to corner on the opposite corners as the one that is out of alinement, couple clicks will bring it back to square.
A 2" or 3" ratchet strap may do it.
I do not have a rack on the back but have dealt with very similar issues.
Run a come-along corner to corner on the opposite corners as the one that is out of alinement, couple clicks will bring it back to square.
A 2" or 3" ratchet strap may do it.
Now that's a good idea.........I hope it works!
I'm sure you already thought of this you could over size all 4 bushing holes and gain some that way.
Has anyone else had this issue? I am trying to mount the Polaris OEM Headache Rack to my 2025 Ranger XD and I have run into an alignment problem, 3 of the 4 bolts are installed and the 4th (top passenger) is out of alignment by at least 1/4 inch. I was looking at a schematic of the ROPS and there seems to be a splice in the frame behind bed light. I am thinking I could loosen these bolts and maybe be able to push the two rear pillars together to close the gap and realign the attachment point of the last headache rack bolt. Anybody have any other suggestions?

I do not have a rack on the back but have dealt with very similar issues.
Run a come-along corner to corner on the opposite corners as the one that is out of alinement, couple clicks will bring it back to square.
A 2" or 3" ratchet strap may do it.
Well, I loosened the nuts and bolts that hold the center splice of the roll over protection together and wrapped a large ratchet strap around the cab and tried to close the gap. No luck, I was able to close the gap a small amount but not enough to align the hole in the headache rack with the hole in the back of the pillar. I contacted Polaris Customer Service and was told to contact the Dealership where I purchased the machine. Unfortunately, I feel this headed in a direction that the Manufacturer, Dealership, or both are about to try to get in my pocket... again. Kind of stating to feel like Ned Beatty in Deliverance.
Maybe tell your dealer you want a refund for your headache rack and buy one from Razor Back Off Road. I think a few people here have them and I have not heard of any issues getting them mounted. Maybe it's not for you but it might be something worth looking into. Thumper Fab is another option you might want to consider.