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How old are you Poll

Which age group do you fall into?

  • 20 - 29

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • 30 - 39

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • 40 - 49

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • 50 - 59

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • 60 -69

    Votes: 21 42.9%
  • 70 - 79

    Votes: 5 10.2%
  • 80 - 89

    Votes: 2 4.1%

  • Total voters

Big Red

Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
SE Iowa
I'm guessing that since we are driving $30,000 - $50,000 machines that there are not too many people here in our twenties. A quick Poll to see what age group most of us fall in.
Really...........40 views and 6 responses? Too much work to make a selection???
Well now I feel old. Only person over 70. My gate opener(wife) sure likes this ride though.
Turned 80 inApril, you have no choice in getting older ,but nobody ever told me I had to grow up! Built my own off-road buggy back in the mid 1960es and have been an off-roader ever since. Had a lot of Polaris 4x4 and Rangers . Did a little off road racing in the old days too.
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Turned 65 this past June. Kinda sorta retired from farming. I still work plenty because I love it, but plenty of time to do what I want.
Turned 65 this past June. Kinda sorta retired from farming. I still work plenty because I love it, but plenty of time to do what I want.
Jay, your a farmer like me , “farmers don’t retire someday they just don’t wake up” it’s darn hard to stop doing a life’s work that you enjoy even on tuff days!
I'm the 1 vote between 50-59. I'm 57 be 58 in January thinking I might retire around 60. I don't want to quit working I just want to quit having to go to work every day. I'm ready to leave the corporate noise behind and start a 2nd career that likely pays a lot less but is much more fun to do. I grew up working on farms and wouldn't mind helping local farmers out during planting and harvest seasons. Maybe mow grass in the summer and push a little snow in the winter. It's hard to find people willing to do these task in small town Iowa these days.
Jay, your a farmer like me , “farmers don’t retire someday they just don’t wake up” it’s darn hard to stop doing a life’s work that you enjoy even on tuff days!
Very true Marv. I'm lucky enough to have a couple young family members coming up, so I can work all I want, when I want. If I had to quit entirely I don't think I could.
I'm the 1 vote between 50-59. I'm 57 be 58 in January thinking I might retire around 60. I don't want to quit working I just want to quit having to go to work every day. I'm ready to leave the corporate noise behind and start a 2nd career that likely pays a lot less but is much more fun to do. I grew up working on farms and wouldn't mind helping local farmers out during planting and harvest seasons. Maybe mow grass in the summer and push a little snow in the winter. It's hard to find people willing to do these task in small town Iowa these days.
That's a great plan Big Red.
I was a maintenance leader for a huge corporation and they were KILLING me, LITERALLY. I have mentioned my special son here and at 52 I received a sign that I had to do something different to be here and help care for him. I left Owens Corning and stepped down financially but health related made a huge jump forward. Never looked back.
BTW, I am 66 January 16th
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52 here but ALLLLL of my friends are 65-72. I am new here but I could tell when I was just reading the forum and had not order my rig yet they the whole family here seemed very respectful to one another and a large display of maturity just in general. It was/is very refreshing!!!
I just passed 73 and feel fortunate to have the health and opportunity to trail ride. We use the Ranger for pleasure although it is capable of serious work. A friend from MN told me that he knows of a Ranger owner with 52K miles on his machine! Guess he uses it for farm work instead of a truck.

The comfort of the cab with climate control makes it more likely that my wife will join me.
New generations of equipment are expensive but keep my interest .