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HVAC problems


New member
Dec 27, 2024
Reaction score
East Idaho
I can’t be the only one having HVAC control problems. Had to controller replaced under warranty about 200 miles later the controller is out again.
Loosing two of them seems odd. Wondering what else may be happening to possibly cause them to fail
I’m thinking it’s something else. It’s too bad the mechanics don’t exist any more. We are left with parts changers.
Took the Ranger to a different dealership they actually done some troubleshooting said they found a bad wiring harness Claris okayed to replace the chassis wiring harness. Hope that takes care of it.
That makes more sense. There have been a half dozen or more wiring harnesses changed.
That’s good news. Hopefully it takes care of your problems. Like O’Neal said, there have been some harness change outs.
Hopefully it's just a wiring harness and not the Main wiring harness. If I remember right EddyK had that done and they had to completely tear down his Ranger.
Hopefully it's just a wiring harness and not the Main wiring harness. If I remember right EddyK had that done and they had to completely tear down his Ranger.
Hope I'm incorrect but when he mentioned chassis harness I assumed it was the same as EddyK
Stopped in and checked on the Ranger yesterday she tore apart pretty good. Hope they get it done this week.
Stopped in and checked on the Ranger yesterday she tore apart pretty good. Hope they get it done this week.
Fingers crossed for you for a quick recovery and problem resolved!