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New member
Jan 28, 2025
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We have just purchased a 2025 1500 XD Ultimate, we have had SxS's for years and we are looking at what other members are doing and to see if issues that we may have are a common one. As of now we are only having the small seat belt rattle, we are looking at doing some testing to take the vibration out of the center bar. We only have this issue when in comfort mode, and we rarely use that mode for our location. We have been adding some accessories from polaris but are always interested in seeing other units. We will be traveling to Ride Royal Blue again this year as well as Hatfield McCoy. If we do find a fix to the seat belt I will be sure to post the information.

Welcome MBond,
You came to the right place. I have been to both ridding areas many times, bot great places. If you speak to anyone at Ride Royal Blue camp ground mention when they used to have Polaris rally's . It was a great time
Welcome to the group MBond, hope you enjoy your new machine. Most of us have had a positive experience with the XD but there have been a few issues and a few dealers that don't handle the issues very well. I have been lucky as I have had virtually no issues and have a great dealer that takes care of me.
Welcome Mbond, as bigred said, a lot of information in here for issues or extras. Good group of people as well.