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Remembering January 6th...............

Big Red

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SE Iowa
Ok, I know what you were thinking when you clicked on this thread, but you are wrong. It was 1 year ago today that I picked up my Ranger 1500 XD after waiting over 5 months to get it. I put 2200 miles on it in the last year and I still smile every time I drive it. The only bad news is the 1-year bumper to bumper warranty is now up and I'm on my own.
I'm surprised no one commented on this post.........I think I scared everyone away with the title. 1 year in and the only real issue I had is I lost my radio, so the Ride Command needed to be replaced. I hope she's got the bugs worked out by now because we all know how freak' in expensive it is to repair these machines. The good news is I still got 2 years left on the tranny and motor which are the most expensive things to fix. By then I might be ready for a new one,
Hoping for many more trouble free years for ya!!
One year and just the ride command failure is not bad at all.

I am happy those of us that jumped onto the 1500`s in 2024 have the extra year of warranty.

I don't anticipate hearing many engine failures, poor engine design or assembly is kinda a thing of the past for everyone. There is only one engine failure I have read about that was for sure a manufacturer defect.

Our transmissions are also old technology but are new for Polaris , there has been just a few failures I am aware of and may just be manufacturing errors but the jury will be out for several years. Only the folks that hit the real off road trails or farmers towing hay wagons will create data to prove or disprove longevity as the work vehicle Polaris promotes. For my use the transmission lacks low range to help me bounce a tire over a rock or log, or pull a heavy load up the hillside.

The front and rear gearcase are also the same as always. When I shopped for mine making sure the rear gearcase was separated from the transmission was one of the first things I looked for. Anyone that changes their own gearcase oil I am sure would agree that having the tranny and the gearcase share oil was one Polaris all time poor designs.

I am most surprised by the electrical issues and how many complete wiring harnesses have been changed. Not an issue you normally hear about in the mechanical world. I assume it is the same as the clunking axles in that Polaris supply vendor had QC issues.

As Mr C stated I hope you have smooth sailing for the remainder of your three years.
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I do like the thread title and yes that's why I clicked on it!
Bought mine in July '24 and as of last night have 1827 miles on it. Getting ready to have some weather here in Arkansas this week and looking forward to it.
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