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Speedo correction module

I’ve been emailing back-and-forth with HealTech they are working on something.
I had the Speedo healer from my 2020 ranger XP 1000. I tried that. It did not work. Gave me a speed sensor warning fault. lol
Red Neck Speed Healer............Bigger tires, drive a little slower.
This is for tracks the tire diameter is 30-32” and track drive is 12-14”. It’s a huge correction. Over 50%.
This is for tracks the tire diameter is 30-32” and track drive is 12-14”. It’s a huge correction. Over 50%.
That makes sense.........I'm a flat lander from the Midwest so I don't know shit about tracks or Speed Healers. Me bad!
I’ve been emailing back-and-forth with HealTech they are working on something.
I had the Speedo healer from my 2020 ranger XP 1000. I tried that. It did not work. Gave me a speed sensor warning fault. lol
Has anyone came out with a speed calibration module yet?
They are requesting this. Any one know where to get it?

Do you have the Wiring Diagram/full Service Manual of the Ranger 1500 maybe? Unfortunately, I couldn't find it on the internet.