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Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jun 17, 2024
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Central Ohio
If you have never seen this it is pretty cool. I done it many moons ago and was pretty good. We live on the edge of a glacier with many large outcrops of rocks so for the last 18 years we have been the host to a trials competition on our land during Labor Day weekend. 75 riders and about 200 camping. Here is a taste :

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That's pretty cool, very technical riding that takes great balance and control.
Still a fan of 2wheeled motorsports...those trials riders can put those Bikes about anywhere..truly amazing skills. World Supercross will be starting next Weekend I'll be tuning in for that. A mix between Motorcross and Supercross track combined Amazing skills abound.
I have ridden motorcycles for over 50 years now. I love watching trials. Facebook has some good videos that pop up from time to time.
You and I must be about the same vintage, I am up to around 57 years ago I started on a ZA50.
Just turned 65. I started on a Honda Trail 50 also
57 working on 58 here, I guess just us older guys can afford these things :)
That's a perfect spot to spend your Sunday with your trail.