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Clunk discussion


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jun 17, 2024
Reaction score
Central Ohio
Manny of us now have the "clunking" noise in the rear of our 1500. It is mentioned in many places on this forum with numerous different thoughts of where it originates and exactly what makes this annoying noise.
Coincidentally Polaris released a video on how to remove an axle and specific instructions on locking the outer spline with loctite.
Some have said checking the factory torque specs stopped theirs and others felt new CV's was the cure. Some feel their differential is disintegrating.
For me it's a real hassle to get mine to a dealership so I am hoping for a concrete resolution before I haul it in.
Please post your data with the following ;
Hours, miles, kmh's
Which side, both
Four or six seater
Low speed, high speed, or doesn't matter
Loaded, unloaded, doesn't matter
Is it simply a rotational noise or when you accelerate and let off
Any oil changes in the diff, any metal in the oil
What attempts have been made so far to resolve and did it work?
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500 miles
95 HRs
Clearly left side
6 seater
I only hear it at low speed but I have hearing loss
100% a rotational noise, gassing and letting off does nothing
I torqued the axle nut to the 88lbs and for two days thought that was the cure but noise is now louder and more constant
I jacked both rear tires off the ground, all cv's are tight
Had my wife start the engine and place it in gear with the tires elevated, no noise
I took temp readings on the diff, 150 but the exhaust is pretty close
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1750 miles and have a few suspension squeaks but no clunking going on.
500 miles
95 HRs
Clearly left side
6 seater
I only hear it at low speed but I have hearing loss
100% a rotational noise, gassing and letting off does nothing
I torqued the axle nut to the 88lbs and for two days thought that was the cure but noise is now louder and more constant
I jacked both rear tires off the ground, all cv's are tight
Had my wife start the engine and place it in gear with the tires elevated, no noise
I took temp readings on the diff, 150 but the exhaust is pretty close
Mines pretty much the Same
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I have no clunk but am taking to dealer to change rear diff fluid. (Just in case there is a warrenty issue). Is the problem area in the rear differential gear case or the axle hub by the wheel?
My “clunk” sounds like it’s coming from the front. It’s at the dealer now and I’ll update on what they find and do!
Interesting, the noise from my front is caused by suspension flex. It is loud but clearly it is when one wheel gets compressed. I believe it to be the sway bar joints.
Same problem here @ only 200 hrs. Clunking sounds like differential or transmission. Local dealer has no idea what the problem is but to ask around (which is typical). You know, instead of dropping 50k on an ultimate, I should have bought a new Tacoma and cut half the bed off for 42k. Surely they could identify and fix the problem.
My clunk sounds like a beer can rolling around in the box. My rear axles were changed and that did not solve my problem.
I've had/have 3 noises on my machine.
  • I had a clunking noise when let off the gas at a steady speed like 25 mph. Took it to the dealer and they tightened the rear axle nuts. They said that had several machines come in with the same issue. The noise is gone.
  • I also have a rotating noise when letting off the gas (it is more prominent when letting off the gas when going down hill and coasting). I talked to the dealer about it, they said they had one other machine with the same sound but couldn't pin point it. I am guessing the only way they will find anything is when something breaks. I am not quite sure where it is coming from other than from the drivetrain.
  • The 3rd noise I have has always been there. It is a snapping noise when the suspension in under compression (as described by @oneal). I recorded it this past weekend when riding rocky trails. The video was too long to upload to the site so I uploaded it to dropbox.
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I've had/have 3 noises on my machine.
  • I had a clunking noise when let off the gas at a steady speed like 25 mph. Took it to the dealer and they tightened the rear axle nuts. They said that had several machines come in with the same issue. The noise is gone.
  • I also have a rotating noise when letting off the gas (it is more prominent when letting off the gas when going down hill and coasting). I talked to the dealer about it, they said they had one other machine with the same sound but couldn't pin point it. I am guessing the only way they will find anything is when something breaks. I am not quite sure where it is coming from other than from the drivetrain.
  • The 3rd noise I have has always been there. It is a snapping noise when the suspension in under compression (as described by @oneal). I recorded it this past weekend when riding rocky trails. The video was too long to upload to the site so I uploaded it to dropbox.
I couldn't load the video bbieb but by your description is the same as mine
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My clunk sounds like a beer can rolling around in the box. My rear axles were changed and that did not solve my problem.
12 or 16 oz ??
That's actually a pretty good description
For a minute I thought I was also being inflicted with the dreaded "axle clunk" then I realized I the 12-pak broke and there really were beer cans rolling around my bed.
I was at my dealer last week and asked the service manager if they have had any 1500's back with the clunk. Quick answer was numerous including one of the owner's has one and it also goes clunk, clunk, clunk.
He brought up a history page on the PC and shared these details.
Noise is coming from outer hub.
Polaris currently has no fix.
I told him about the video Polaris released pertaining to the removal of the left rear driveshaft and the detailed instructions they highlighted on cleaning and specific Loctite products they suggest.
He was not aware of the video.
Part of my career I was a maintenance leader in a huge manufacturer and have used many different types of Loctite. The one recommended is not the regular red or blue thread locker. It is a high strength bearing locker designed to hold bearings and fill voids where tolerances are to loose.
Based on their video with all the cleaning and product recommendation Polaris obviously feels there is a tolerance issue between the axle end and hub spline.
I'm tired of the clunk and plan to perform the task exactly as they advise and will report back.
I’d like to see the video. Where is that located. I spoke with my dealer who said they were informed of a loctite procedure but were given no details of how to perform it or anything. So they’re thought was that maybe Polaris tested that, but it’s not a fix. So dealers are now back in the dark. So my clunk has not been fixed. Been to the dealer twice about. I pick it up this weekend, and I’ll see what it’s doing. I am going to email Polaris and let them know how I feel.
I’d like to see the video. Where is that located. I spoke with my dealer who said they were informed of a loctite procedure but were given no details of how to perform it or anything. So they’re thought was that maybe Polaris tested that, but it’s not a fix. So dealers are now back in the dark. So my clunk has not been fixed. Been to the dealer twice about. I pick it up this weekend, and I’ll see what it’s doing. I am going to email Polaris and let them know how I feel.
Big Red posted it, about the fourth one down under maintenance. I agree with you Mr C this is a band aide, not a fix.

As stated I have used a lot of this level Loctite products, they can REALLY hold. I am fearful if and when I need to remove the hub in the future if it will require a puller or possibly heat.