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Finally - Rubber Floormats for the XD

I forgot to say they are available for 4 doors as well for $200
I noticed those this weekend as well, while I was killing time waiting for the bbq. Really was hoping for a front set that goes over the hump as well. Think I’m gonna hold out a little longer. But those are in my wish list just in case.
I noticed those this weekend as well, while I was killing time waiting for the bbq. Really was hoping for a front set that goes over the hump as well. Think I’m gonna hold out a little longer. But those are in my wish list just in case.
Did someone make floor mats with the hump for the XP1000? I don't ever remember seeing one. Not saying someone won't I have just never seen a set with the hump before.
I’m pretty sure some company did. I can’t remember who. But I swore I remember seeing a couple of XP’s online that had a one piece front that included the hump. I remember thinking, dam if I didn’t already have the Polaris floor liners, I’d buy those.
They must be selling well; they went up $10 since I ordered mine yesterday. I'm not sure they are even in stock yet, my delivery date is from July 24th to August 14th.
Made my order this morning. Figured if a front set ever comes out that goes over the hump, I’ll just swap out later.
Made my order this morning. Figured if a front set ever comes out that goes over the hump, I’ll just swap out later.
I'm assuming you bought the 4-mat set for your crew. Just wanted to make sure you knew they had that available.
Well I guess they are going fast. Received an email this morning stating that they’re out of stock. So I guess I wasn’t fast enough with my purchase. So my order is cancelled. Hopefully they’ll be in stock soon.
So far my order has not been cancelled, still showing as an order that has not been shipped yet. I went to SAUTVS's website, and it says to buy on Amazon. Go to Amazon and it says it's out of stock. I did a quick search but did not find them listed anywhere else.
Ya I did the same. Hopefully they’ll have them in stock soon. Hope it’s not a one and done deal.
Floor mats are back in stock. Ordered a set today. If anyone else was interested.
I looked today and the 2 door is out of stock but the 4 door set is in stock. Not sure WTF is going on with these things. So far mine are still on order, I guess we'll see if they show up.
I believe the company is in Hong Kong or something. So I’m wondering if that’s part of the delay also. At least it’s through Amazon so there’s some protection if they never ship or get delivered. I’m also gonna be watching my bank account as well. Did receive the door pockets today, hoping to install them this weekend.
They must be selling well; they went up $10 since I ordered mine yesterday. I'm not sure they are even in stock yet, my delivery date is from July 24th to August 14th.
Yes, they seem to be unavailable at the moment, certainly not at that price.
Mine are still on order but haven't shipped yet. I actually forgot I ordered them till this post came up again:oops:
Mine haven’t shipped either. I look every couple of days.