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Clunk discussion

Looked like in the video yours makes the noise even when not in motion. Which leads me to believe it’s something motor related? Mine only clunks when I let off the throttle and then press it back down.
It was spinning slow in the snow so it was easy to record. He said he put his hand on the hub and couldn't feel anything, but when he touched the axle he could feel the knocking and when he touched the differential housing he could really feel it like it's in the rear end.
Talked to the dealer and he said he couldn't do anything for the front suspension noise or the rotating noise. He said Polaris hasn't come up with anything besides the loctite fix and that's a bandage. So I will try and find a tech line to Polaris and put in my bitch.
My suspension connections are also pretty noisy during heavy flexing, I will address that myself.
The discrepancy from dealership to dealership is also annoying. I two dealers I speak with, one says the same as yours and the other just done another Loctite gap filler.
Total bs they turn their backs on those of us that trusted them and paid 50k for some of these.
If you find the name of a person or direct line let us know.
Talked to the dealer and he said he couldn't do anything for the front suspension noise or the rotating noise. He said Polaris hasn't come up with anything besides the loctite fix and that's a bandage. So I will try and find a tech line to Polaris and put in my bitch.
That dealer should be kicked in the nads for saying there is only a temporary fix so we can't do anything. There clearly is a fix since most of us do not have this issue. They need to replace the rear end or the axles or both. The machine is not performing correctly, and they owe it to you to fix it PERIOD! I'm sure if your check bounced, they would have expected you to "fix it"
Talked to the dealer and he said he couldn't do anything for the front suspension noise or the rotating noise. He said Polaris hasn't come up with anything besides the loctite fix and that's a bandage. So I will try and find a tech line to Polaris and put in my bitch.
My dealer told me that they were told to hold off on performing the loctite fix. So I was t able to get it.
My dealer told me that they were told to hold off on performing the loctite fix. So I was t able to get it.
Does that suggest they are going to fix it, but they just need more time to figure out what the fix is?
My dealer told me that they were told to hold off on performing the loctite fix. So I was t able to get it.
That is the discrepancy I am referring to. That has been 3-4 months ago since you first posted that your dealer was told not to do them. A dealer I know done one just over a month ago, was compensated for it,. Another dealer, actually a huge dealer where I purchased mine was told there was nothing could be done and have no plans to address it. This was on his personal 1500 which was one of the first 1500's delivered.
Makes no sense !
but they just need more time to figure out what the fix is?
They know what it is.
When I removed my axle retaining nut if I could have turned my 1500 sideways the drive hub would have fell off, the spline tolerance between the two was THAT sloppy.
Filled both splines with Loctite and it has been silent for four+ months.
I know I sound like a broken record but if this was a safety issue this thread would not exist.
Does that suggest they are going to fix it,
I still hope but mine started almost five months ago and I have an aqaintenance that start almost a year ago.
Definitely not the proactive approach people deserve for these overpriced limos
My suspension connections are also pretty noisy during heavy flexing, I will address that myself.
The discrepancy from dealership to dealership is also annoying. I two dealers I speak with, one says the same as yours and the other just done another Loctite gap filler.
Total bs they turn their backs on those of us that trusted them and paid 50k for some of these.
If you find the name of a person or direct line let us know.
I think Polaris keeps the dealers in the dark, and that's probably why they answer differently. I know my dealer is upset with Polaris also.
Does that suggest they are going to fix it, but they just need more time to figure out what the fix is?
Not sure, I haven’t asked anymore about it since I was there in October. At that time I was told there was no fix yet. When I asked about the loctite fix, that they originally told me about. They said that Polaris retracted on that repair and something about it not being a permanent fix, or a good resolution, etc.
My dealer has always taken good care of me but Polaris is not doing their part.
I agree with Polaris not doing their part. To me it sounded like Polaris told my dealer they would not pay for them to do the loctite fix. Or maybe my dealer didn’t want to do it. But I feel like they treat me well and an honest dealer.
If as a community of owners we all voice the concern to Polaris I would hope something would be done. I can't imagine such a large company would want their name tarnished. Especially over a new Ranger model. There has to be a best course of action to accomplish the goal of finding a permanent fix rather than the loctite bandaid.
6 pages of Clunk Discussions should be enough for the mothership to take notice, they know about it, the question is what do they intend to do about it? Those that have the issue need to keep yelling loudly to get someone to listen.
OK, I called Polaris at 1-800-765-2747 and told them my problem. He said I need to have my dealer start a tech case or a claim case and he gave me a 7 digit access number so I can open it up and find out anything they come up with on the problem. He is also sending me an email directing me on how I can get this started. I will attach it here when I get it. He recommends everyone do this, because the more they get, Polaris will know how serious the problem is and this helps them correct it. I don't know, but this is a start.

I attached the email from polaris saying how to get this started.


  • Polaris 20250131_174620 (002).webp
    Polaris 20250131_174620 (002).webp
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OK, I called Polaris at 1-800-765-2747 and told them my problem. He said I need to have my dealer start a tech case or a claim case and he gave me a 7 digit access number so I can open it up and find out anything they come up with on the problem. He is also sending me an email directing me on how I can get this started. I will attach it here when I get it. He recommends everyone do this, because the more they get, Polaris will know how serious the problem is and this helps them correct it. I don't know, but this is a start.
Sounds great! Thanks for sharing the phone number. I’ll be calling tomorrow. I’ve brought it up twice with my dealer. So I’m hoping that there’s some kind of case already.
I've had/have 3 noises on my machine.
  • I had a clunking noise when let off the gas at a steady speed like 25 mph. Took it to the dealer and they tightened the rear axle nuts. They said that had several machines come in with the same issue. The noise is gone.
  • I also have a rotating noise when letting off the gas (it is more prominent when letting off the gas when going down hill and coasting). I talked to the dealer about it, they said they had one other machine with the same sound but couldn't pin point it. I am guessing the only way they will find anything is when something breaks. I am not quite sure where it is coming from other than from the drivetrain.
  • The 3rd noise I have has always been there. It is a snapping noise when the suspension in under compression (as described by @oneal). I recorded it this past weekend when riding rocky trails. The video was too long to upload to the site so I uploaded it to dropbox.
On 10/10/24 I posted the above response. I believe the first two items in the list are actually the same issue. In July I had a clunking noise (one clunk) that only happened when letting off the gas. My dealership tightened the nuts on the rear axle and the noise disappeared. About 2 weeks after that visit I started hearing a faint rotating knocking sound related to the drivetrain (meaning the knock slowed as I was slowing) when I let off the gas (25 or less), it was especially prevalent when letting off the gas going down a hill. This is all street driving so you can hear just about everything when the radio was off. I knew the dealership wouldn't do much about it so I kept driving figuring the knock would get louder. A month after it started, it continued to get louder so I took it into the dealership and they tried the "lock tight" fix. It didn't help. I drove it for another month or so before I took it back in. They convinced Polaris to replace the all driveshafts. That didn't work either. I drove it for another month or two before I took it back in. This time the dealership convinced Polaris to replace the rear axles. They put on the new axles along with the "lock tight" fix. The noise is no longer there (although I've only driven it 20 miles or so). They want me to report back if I start to hear anything.

Our machine has 5300+ miles on it. We use it to run errands, trail ride, technical trail riding, noxious weed spraying and any other excuse to ride it.

The following was over a 5 mos. period.
  • Single clunk when letting off the gas, 25 mph or less.
    • fixed by tightening the rear axle nuts
  • Rotating noise started 2 weeks later when letting off the gas, 25 mph or less
    • could hear the noise better on the driver's side with the window down
    • mainly prevalent when letting off gas going down a hill
    • they tried fixing with lock tight, didn't work
  • Noise started to get louder and starting knocking when accelerating and driving at constant speed
    • could hear the noise better on the driver's side with the window down
    • the knock was generally louder when just starting to drive and when it was colder outside
    • they replaced the driveshafts, didn't resolve anything
  • Noise continued to get louder and more prevalent
    • could hear the noise better on the driver's side with the window down
    • I removed the interior driveshaft cover to see if it was louder, I couldn't hear any of the knock coming from that area
    • they replaced the rear axles along with the lock tight fix, the knock is gone (for now)